Your Safety is Our Concern

Social Responsibility

We strongly believe that “Service is the rent we pay for the space we occupy on this earth”. The fact remains that we are part of society and should work for social activity hand in hand. Therefore we formed a trust by the name “SINGHVI CHARITABLE TRUST” in which Singhvi International & associates contribute more than 10% of their net income every year which is utilized as follows :-
Mahavir Seva Sadan - An organization for providing artificial limbs, callipers, wheelchairs etc. free of cost. We are contributing for a new Building at Joka where all kinds of services will be provided “Free of Cost”.
“NEEV” school where free education is provided to under privileged children.
Rotary Club where lot of charitable activities are done.
Rotary Foundation where charitable work is done worldwide.
Virayatan where free education is provided to the needy children
“People for The Respect & Care of Animals” – An organization for providing Shelter, food & treatment to bruised, battered, & helpless animals. We have provided Ambulance with Hydraulic lift to pick up accidental & helpless animals from street of Kolkata. We are providing medicines for treatment of animals on continuous basis.
We have provided a ambulance for needy peoples to “Shree Jain Hospital & Research Centre” at Howrah.
We are running “Shree Mahaveer Vicklang Sewa Sadan” at Bihar - An organization for providing artificial limbs free of cost for needy Peoples.
We are running “Vardhman Jineshwar Seva Trust” – Adinath Healthcare Centre at Palitana Gujarat – Where we are providing free treatment for Jain Sadhu, Sadhvi & needy peoples.