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Employee engagement, human rights and worker health and wellness is core to the long-term success for Singhvi International. We strive for a sustainable workforce that is stable, engaged and committed to the organisation, our goals and objectives. We respect and protect the rights of our people across operations and throughout our business relationships.
Sustainability is at the core of everything we do.
Sustainability is a natural and important part of our business. We believe in a long-term approach to business and a continuous reduction on the impact we have on our planet. Being a personal protective equipment (PPE) supplier, Singhvi International want to be in the forefront in health and safety for all the people 
who are part of our business and throughout our supply chain.   

In addition, our product offering will help our customers to improve their safety performance and protect the hands of their employees. We are committed to ensuring that our employees are subject to fair working practices and are treated with respect. Within our business, the rights of our employees are respected by the implementation of this policy and our Code of Ethics.Singhvi International’s policies and codes are based on and fully respect the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles.

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